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En sang i ikke kan lide {{forumTopicSubject}}

Og det skriver jeg allerede nu fordi jeg ved at langt de fleste herinde enten hører tæknå eller pop... Men hør selv om det er noget for jer.


Og teksten:
Ah little Stacy Q
When she doesn't have a thing to do
She comes to my house
Well, let's keep that between me and you
She takes off her clothes
She likes to tell this boy what to do
Let's keep that between me and you, ok
She said oh come on boy aren't you tired of talking about sex
I said little girl what do you really expect
And then she pledges her allegiance
To the united states of me
She says you're such a little bitch

She says head case head case
Turn that thing around
Let's play a game when you hear me make a sound
Just go quite a bit faster
Pretend that I'm gagged and bound
Oh how I love to hear that sound
Milkshake milkshake I love to feel you sweat
We don't have to go to the pool
If you want me to make you wet
Can you keep a secret
Because the best little secrets are kept
And you're my best little secret yet

Well, kit kat kit kat kitten you're the kicks
She said let me feel your love
I mean come on make it stick
I'm the best of your little baby chicks
oh you're my sweet tooth sugar fix

tick tock tick tock oh baby forget the clock
You don't have to do a thing
and you know I like your baby talk
Just make sure to close the shades and turn the lock

A milkshake milkshake I love to feel you sweat
We don't have to go to the pool
If you want me to make you wet
But can you keep a secret
Because the best little secrets are kept

Ah little Stacy Q
When she doesn't have a thing to do
She comes to my house
Well, let's keep that between me and you
She takes off her clothes
She likes to tell this boy what to do
Let's keep that between me and you, ok?
She said oh come on boy aren't you tired of talking about sex
I said little girl what do you really expect?
And then she pledges her allegiance
To the united states of me
She says you're such a little bitch

She says head case head case
Turn that thing around
Let's play a game when you hear me make a sound
Just go quite a bit faster
Pretend that I'm gagged and bound
Oh how I love to hear that sound
Milkshake milkshake I love to feel you sweat
We don't have to go to the pool
If you want me to make you wet
Can you keep a secret
Because the best little secrets are kept
And you're my best little secret yet

Well, kit kat kit kat kitten you're the kicks
She said let me feel your love
I mean come on make it stick
I'm the best of your little baby chicks
oh you're my sweet tooth sugar fix

tick tock tick tock oh baby forget the clock
You don't have to do a thing
And you know I like your baby talk
Just make sure you close the shades and turn the lock

A milkshake milkshake I love to feel you sweat
We don't have to go to the pool
If you want me to make you wet
But can you keep a secret
Because the best little secrets are kept

Ah little Stacy Q
When she doesn't have a thing to do
She comes to my house
Well, let's keep that between me and you


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