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756 visninger | Oprettet:

unknown *
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21. mar 2007
Følger: 1 Emner: 324 Svar: 622

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har brug for et flinkt menneske og noget hurtig hjælp, hvordan ser det her ud grammatisk:

The study examines the war on terror, what the reason of the war was, when and why it really began. The study investigates the causes of the conflicts between the United States and the Middle East by reading and analyse lots of credible sources. The conflicts are about the big religious and political differences, the economy and oil in the Persian Gulf. Al-Qaeda attacked the U.S. September 11th 2001 with suicide attacks against World Trade Centre and Pentagon. After these attacks the United States declared war on terror and fight against the terror groups. By analysing the novel “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” the paper discuss the boy Oskar, whose dad died in the attacks on World Trade Centre, his way to move on and work on his grief. Furthermore the study examines the other characters from the novel and the problems they are dealing with from the past and the present, and which effects it gives. It is shown in the novel that it pays not to give up, but really fight for what you want.



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