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Engelsk stil, kommentar?!?! {{forumTopicSubject}}

What is Success in Life?

How do you feel about the poem?
I agree with a lot of the things which have been written. Especially this sentences:
To leave the world a bit better. Because if everybody left the world a bit better, the world would be a very great place to be. And this sentences:
To know even one life has breathed easier, because you have lived. Because if you have a deep heart and a good soul, you are going to heaven and it means a lot for many people. Maybe it is tuff said, but then you can die happy about yourself. You also have to laugh often and much, to have success as it is written. If you are going around sad and angry all the time, you don’t ‘live’. Then it is a very boring and sad life you have lived, and not a life you can be proud of and look back on and think: Well, I lived like I wanted to and I loved my life and so on.

What would make YOU feel successful?
I think I would feel successful with a great education, a loving family and freedom. To have a man and children, who love you more than anything else. And if I could achieve something in my life. Make a difference for some people. To achieve a goal. Or just experience how really to live. Feel that everyday is worth gold and you have something to live for, and when I wake up, my first thought would be: Yes, another great day I look forward to.
Many people would appropriately say: If I have a lot of money and a big beautiful house, I would be successful. That was also my first thought, but money is not everything. If you look at the famous stars like Britney Spears, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse and Lindsay Lohan. They have a lot of money, but live as if they don’t want to. It is terrible to see how they treat their children and family and so on. They are drunk almost every day, they are taking pills and do not have their life under control at all. Maybe they feel successful, but I don’t see them as ‘successful’. I think it is better not to be famous, than to be famous. Famous people do not have a private life; they are being watched all the time. But it is still not a reason for the way they act.

Hvad synes I?


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