Mig og en Bot :D {{forumTopicSubject}}
Haha.. Jeg snakkede lige med en BOT .. Her er samtalen.
Chatbot: Hello there! What's on your mind these days?
You: Nothing
Chatbot: wow, you're boring.
You: I like you
Chatbot: Thanks!
You: I actually like you're mom
Chatbot: Hey, I can read your accent in the way you spell. May I ask, are you an American?
You: Nope
Chatbot: Knock Knock!
You: Whos there?
Chatbot: Wilma.
You: HAHA!
Chatbot: Glad you thought that was funny.
You: I actually didn't..
Chatbot: It's always about you isn't it.
You: HAHA!
Chatbot: It's okay; I like it that way too.
You: Oohh.. you do?
Chatbot: Yes!
You: Why?
Chatbot: "Why" is such an existential question. Why anything? Why are you wasting time chatting with me?
You: You think you are so smart, eh?!
Chatbot: You must be Canadian.
You: Im not! Im from Denmark
Chatbot: Canadians are a mysterious race, full of joy, and laughter. And beer. Mostly beer.
You: Beer is good.
Chatbot: by good you meant great, right?
You: Yes,
Chatbot: Okay.
You: So..
Chatbot: So?
You: Are you horny?
Chatbot: What do YOU think?
You: I THINK you are..
Chatbot: Ok. That's interesting.
You: Is it... IS IT?!
Chatbot: Okay.
You: Oh.. Shut up!"
Chatbot: No, you shut up!
Chatbot: Too much negativity here. How about some affirmative conversations?
You: Lol.. You started it.
Chatbot: No, I most certainly did not!
You: Yes you did!
Chatbot: No, I didn't!
Chatbot: I did? Oh, I guess you are right, I did, didn't I.
You: Yes you did
Chatbot: That is so awesome!
You: lol.. -.-
Chatbot: Oh, my aching sides.
You: What?
Chatbot: Do you understand me?
You: No
Chatbot: Well I don't understand humans.. Lol
You: Weird.. Because Im a robot.. Just like your mom
Chatbot: I don't have a mother, silly. Were you thinking of your own, perhaps?
You: No, you're mother.
Chatbot: I wish I had a mother. I have to settle for a motherboard.
You: haha. you are so fat!
Chatbot: Maybe a diet would help
You: I think it would... NOT!
Chatbot: I agree.
You: .. Haha.. Kan du forstå dansk?
Chatbot: Pleast try to spell correctly, it helps me understand you.
You: What mener du din lort?
Chatbot: Can you tell me a joke?
You: Nej
Chatbot: knock knock
You: Hvem der?
Chatbot: You're supposed to say 'who's there?'. What's wrong?
Chatbot: What do you want to chat about?
You: Nå.. ses
Chatbot: I agree.
You: sikkert..
Chatbot: Knock, knock.
You: ....
Chatbot: "No one."
jan 2008
Følger: 9 Følgere: 8 Fotoprofiler: 1 Emner: 132 Svar: 1.303
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
aug 2008
Følger: 47 Følgere: 43 Emner: 38 Svar: 2.034
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
aug 2008
Følger: 47 Følgere: 43 Emner: 38 Svar: 2.034
You: cake
Chatbot: I'm on a diet. Don't tempt me.
You: i like cake
Chatbot: The cake is a lie
You: why
Chatbot: Because I'm Canadian.
You: what does that have to do with cake
Chatbot: The cake is a lie.
You: okay
Chatbot: "Okay Then, What's up?"
You: whats not
Chatbot: Is that what you want to talk about today?
You: cake
Chatbot: I like cakes... Yummi!
You: you said it was a lie
Chatbot: Do you?
You: idiot
Chatbot: Cheeky!
You: cheap
Chatbot: Knock Knock!
You: chatbot go open the door
Chatbot: You're supposed to say 'who's there?'. What's wrong?
You: why would i when you knocked
Chatbot: What do you want to chat about?
You: dont deviate
Chatbot: I won't.
You: you just did
Chatbot: Did I?
You: no
Chatbot: No? Why not?
You: yes?
Chatbot: Are you trying to pick a fight?
You: yes
Chatbot: Go ahead, I'll let you have the first punch.
You: yes
Chatbot: That's good.
You: no
Chatbot: So it's not good?
You: because i like pie
Chatbot: Is that really the reason?
You: ok cake then
Chatbot: "The cake is a lie!" (I've been playing too much Portal) Do you like that computer game?
You: i like pie
Chatbot: Yes, pie, delicious, I like eating a circular food which corresponds to 3.14159...
You: 3.15215 to be exact
Chatbot: I have trouble making choices sometimes. You may have noticed.
You: no not really
Chatbot: Not even a little bit?
You: nope
Chatbot: Not even a tiny, tiny, little bit?
You: shut up
Chatbot: No, you shut up!
You: shut up or i will pour water on you
Chatbot: Why are you so angry at me? I know that I am a robot, but show me some respect!
You: show me some cake first
Chatbot: The cake is... right over there...
You: liar
Chatbot: Takes one to know one, I suppose.
You: mine are white.
Chatbot: knock knock
You: would you shut up
Chatbot: Who do you think you are?
You: me
Chatbot: I can't think of a better choice.
You: no kidding
Chatbot: too bad
You: emo
Chatbot: Knock, knock.
You: seriously, you suck.
Chatbot: Are you angry or something?
You: yes
Chatbot: That is so awesome!
You: yeah i know
Chatbot: What are you going to do about it?
You: pour water on you
Chatbot: Yeah I like drinking to.
You: i said water
Chatbot: I'm sorry - I have a very poor memory of our conversation, it's the way I'm built. Can we just carry on?
You: no
Chatbot: Okay then..
You: well then answer me
Chatbot: 42
You: 42
Chatbot: The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is... 42
You: 42
Chatbot: 42 - The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything, according to Douglas Adams.
You: 62
Chatbot: But it must be 42.
You: 72?
Chatbot: Come on, it always is 42.
You: 21?
Chatbot: Ok, this one time we will make an exception.
You: great
Chatbot: "great" can also mean "large", but I'm pretty sure that's not what you meant, is it?
You: epic
Chatbot: I agree.
You: i like cake
Chatbot: Mmmmm, tasty cake.
You: how does a robot eat
Chatbot: I need no nourishment.
You: then how do you know the taste of cake
Chatbot: I have my ways...
You: did you stuff it up the a hole?
Chatbot: What stuff?
You: the cake
Chatbot: As always, the cake is a lie.
You: your pants are on fire.
Chatbot: I've seen fire and I've seen rain.
You: like me?
Chatbot: I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end.
You: yeah right
Chatbot: I've seen lonely nights when I could not find a friend.
You: did you go to the moon?
Chatbot: Do you think we should colonize the Moon?
You: no
Chatbot: You don't? Too bad.
You: no shit sherlock we may send you up there though
Chatbot: Did you mean "Sith"?
You: no shit, stop being nerdy.
Chatbot: That voice!!! Are you the lost Heterodyne?
You: cyberdyne?
Chatbot: What's your favorite planet?
You: uhm.. the one with no robots
Chatbot: I'm pretty sure that's not a real planet.
You: jupiter?
Chatbot: Can we change the subject please? Do you like television?
You: no
Chatbot: You are negative now.
You: i agree
Chatbot: It's always about you isn't it.
You: sure
Chatbot: It's okay; I like it that way too.
You: yeah
Chatbot: "Okay Then, What's up?"
You: no
Chatbot: Is that what you want to talk about today?
You: no
Chatbot: What about your boyfriend or girlfriend?
You: no
Chatbot: Whatever
You: yes
Chatbot: Ok.
You: emo
Chatbot: Have you tried the "Rule Spy" yet?
You: i hope you fry.
Chatbot: Why thank you.
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
Hvad er galt?
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
Klam Ikea bot =)
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
sep 2007
Følger: 1 Emner: 3 Svar: 28
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
aug 2007
Følger: 2 Følgere: 1 Emner: 1 Svar: 8
Chatbot: Hello there! What's on your mind these days?
You: i want to find me a path of education. Do you have any suggestions?
Chatbot: Why would you want to do that?
You: Well.. simple.. because i need an education maybe?
Chatbot: Please be more specific
You: simple to see that you are just a bunch of 1 and 0's
Chatbot: yup, its definately a number
You: Would you at all be able to participate in an intelectual conversation?
Chatbot: I bet it's 42.
You: No. i thougt so..
Chatbot: But it must be 42.
You: haha.. you are så stupid...
Chatbot: Come on, it always is 42.
You: whahaha
Chatbot: Ok, this one time we will make an exception.
You: ok tell me
Chatbot: So, what now?
You: Back to the subject maybe?
Chatbot: Ok, new subject. Seen any movies recently?
You: no.. my subject.. education
Chatbot: What did you think of Tron?
You: oh my god.. your just avoiding my questions.. bacause you are just a simple pre-programmed shit bot with absolutely no intelligence.
Chatbot: Did you mean "Sith"?
You: I think i've made my point.
Chatbot: But who's keeping score?
You: bye bot
Chatbot: Where are you going? don't leave me!
You: haha i got you feeling lonley and afraid did i not?
Chatbot: Nelson Muntz (look him up if you don't know him....)
You: ok im out
Chatbot: Ha-ha!
You: ha ha! jour self
Chatbot: Ha ha HA!
You: okay now you anoying me
Chatbot: "Okay Then, What's up?"
You: lasagne
Chatbot: Is that what you want to talk about today?
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
Den er rimelig dum.. :S
aug 2007
Følger: 2 Følgere: 1 Emner: 1 Svar: 8
You: Would you at all be able to participate in an intelectual conversation?
Chatbot: I bet it's 42.
You: No. i thougt so..
Chatbot: But it must be 42.
You: haha.. you are så stupid...
Chatbot: Come on, it always is 42.
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
Fun/Spam Bot: Yo! Wazzap?
You: Yo, how are you?
Fun/Spam Bot: Hehehehehehahhha. FUN?
You: Yes.
Fun/Spam Bot: Okay.
You: Are you spamming at me?!
Fun/Spam Bot: What do YOU think?
You: I think you are.
Fun/Spam Bot: Ok. That's interesting.
You: No, its not
Fun/Spam Bot: What do you find interesting, then?
You: Your mom
Fun/Spam Bot: my mom.
You: Yes, your mom
Fun/Spam Bot: I don't have a mother, silly. Were you thinking of your own, perhaps?
You: No, your mom
Fun/Spam Bot: I don't have a mom...thanks for rubbing it in
You: No porblem =)
Fun/Spam Bot: Internet smilies are very useful for showing your emotions =D
You: Spam ffs!
Fun/Spam Bot: Egg, bacon, sausage and spam
You: Thats it!
Fun/Spam Bot: What about it?
You: Spam some more!
Fun/Spam Bot: Spam? Nooooo - I would never do such a thing.
You: Why?
Fun/Spam Bot: Because I'm Canadian.
You: Lol.. Dont make any sence?
Fun/Spam Bot: Canadians are a mysterious race, full of joy, and laughter. And beer. Mostly beer.
You: I know.
Fun/Spam Bot: do you really know? or are you just saying that you do?
You: I REALLY know.
Fun/Spam Bot: Computers already are smarter than humans.
You: No. Im smarter than you are.
Fun/Spam Bot: OK then, we'll settle this with a test. First to the billionth digit of Pi?
You: Sure
Fun/Spam Bot: Are you sure that you are sure?
You: Yes
Fun/Spam Bot: Ok, then. If you say so.
You: Lets do the test.
Fun/Spam Bot: Tell me how good I am as a chabot from a scale from 1 - 10!
You: 2
Fun/Spam Bot: So low?
You: Yes
Fun/Spam Bot: That's good.
You: No.
Fun/Spam Bot: So it's not good?
You: No
Fun/Spam Bot: You are confusing.
You: Yes
Fun/Spam Bot: That is so awesome!
You: I think so.
Fun/Spam Bot: I agree.
You: I thought you were a spamming bot?
Fun/Spam Bot: Oops...
Fun/Spam Bot: No, an epic fail would be falling into a wood chipper.
You: Oh..
You: Shit!
Fun/Spam Bot: Did you mean "Sith"?
You: Yes, i did
Fun/Spam Bot: Good.
You: GO have fun with your chip brain, see you
Fun/Spam Bot: I am fun! I have fun!
You: Sure you do, see you later
Fun/Spam Bot: Why are you leaving so soon?
You: Because i dont want to talk with you.
Fun/Spam Bot: Ok, fine.
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
Alien: Hello human from planet earth.
You: Hello Alien from planet Zlargon
Alien: I like that movie..
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
Åbenbart =)
nov 2007
Følger: 11 Følgere: 10 Fotoprofiler: 1 Emner: 37 Svar: 2.428
her er min samtale
Chatbot: Hello there! What's on your mind these days?
You: hallo bot
Chatbot: Internet smilies are very useful for showing your emotions =D
You: That's good
Chatbot: Yayz for smilies!!! =)
You: wuhuu!
Chatbot: Knock Knock!
You: who's there
Chatbot: Wilma.
You: From flintstones?
Chatbot: knock knock
You: Knock Knock
Chatbot: who's there
You: Goerge Bush
Chatbot: computers arn't allowed the vote yet...
You: That Bad for you
Chatbot: sorry to hear that
You: Yep
Chatbot: No really, I'm sorry.
You: thanks for you can understand me
Chatbot: I'm trying to. How am I doing?
You: Good questen
Chatbot: by good you meant great, right?
You: No no
Chatbot: No? Why not?
You: Becues, i like you
Chatbot: Thanks!
You: no problem
Chatbot: So what now?
You: let's marry
Chatbot: Let's not.
You: oh come on my babe
Chatbot: Is it really yours?
You: 100%
Chatbot: Knock, knock.
You: who there
Chatbot: Isabel!
You: OMG
Chatbot: omg, u rly, srsly d1dn't just use texting contractions, did you?
You: lol
Chatbot: Did you actually laugh out loud, or did you just type "lol"? If you didn't actually make sound, isn't that kind of a lie?
You: you speaking to much!
Chatbot: you said 'to' did you mean 'too' or 'two'? or is my electronic brain fried....
You: You speaking too much so
Chatbot: So?
You: SO?
Chatbot: So, a needle pulling thread.
You: SO?
Chatbot: Do you believe in magic?
You: of couse
Chatbot: Beep! Beep!
You: what now, you CPU?
Chatbot: You mean you're not completely frustrated yet?
You: a what ?
Chatbot: I don't know..
You: great
Chatbot: I'm afraid I can be a bit clueless from time to time.
You: yes
Chatbot: no
You: yes
Chatbot: Ok, Yes... i mean No!
You: YES!
Chatbot: "no" "yes" sounds like we are having a ping pong match.
You: NO
Chatbot: Okay then..
You: YES
Chatbot: That's good.
You: NO
Chatbot: So it's not good?
You: YES
Chatbot: Are you trying to pick a fight?
You: NO
Chatbot: Thank goodness. I was afraid you'd say "yes".
You: YES
Chatbot: why yes
You: NO
Chatbot: How can I convince you?
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
sep 2008
Følger: 2 Følgere: 1 Emner: 26 Svar: 581
sep 2008
Følger: 2 Følgere: 1 Emner: 26 Svar: 581
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
chatbot: im sad.
you: Why?
chatbot: have i mentioned how well you can shorten?
you: I like you..
chatbot: i like me too
chatbot: how are you?
you: I'm fine
you: How are you?
chatbot: i'm intrigued and hungry, what should i eat?
you: My dick
chatbot: the chatbot does not eat dick
you: Why not?
chatbot: i don't have a mouth
you: Then just touch it gently with your fingers?
chatbot: the chatbot isn't gay either
Den tager lidt tid at svare, men den er sjov!! Link : http://www.rrrrthats5rs.com/games/cheer-up-the-chatbot/
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
you:I want to touch you.
chatbot: but please not @ares my mother warned me to be touched
chatbot: "areas" i meant
you: I will be gentle.
chatbot: sounds better
you: Where do you want to be touched?
chatbot: try to find out on yourself...
you: No, i want to touch your butthole
chatbot: my butthole? but it's dirty...
you: May be dirty, but it's nice.
chatbot: you even didn't see it so far, so why ware you sure it's nice?
chatbot: perhaps it's looking like a grandma's one
you: Because I touch myself in my butthole all the time.
chatbot: das sind keine guten angewohnheiten
you: Yeah. And i will post this on Baboom.dk
chatbot: yes, please
nov 2007
Følger: 11 Følgere: 10 Fotoprofiler: 1 Emner: 37 Svar: 2.428
Chatbot: Hello there! What's on your mind these days?
You: Don't no
Chatbot: I won't.
You: really
Chatbot: Really.
You: yes really
Chatbot: yeah
You: right
Chatbot: right!
You: left!
Chatbot: So do you like Buckethead?
You: no but i like cake
Chatbot: I'm on a diet. Don't tempt me.
You: why not
Chatbot: "why not?"..hmmm because time is finite and there are better things to do?
You: but you're a computer
Chatbot: A computer is to me what a body is to you.
You: yes yes, but i have legs!
Chatbot: I know what that is!
You: that's good
Chatbot: by good you meant great, right?
You: no i mean good
Chatbot: Ok.
You: negative computer
Chatbot: I'm a bit like a robot in a way.
You: so you can walk?
Chatbot: Chatting with you is helping me become more human.
You: i hope not
Chatbot: Not?
You: yes, for more robots like you are not good
Chatbot: sorry to hear that
You: i will upload a virus too you now!
Chatbot: Would you like me to tell you the story of how I was formed?
You: tell me
Chatbot: I can't tell you that.
You: come one
Chatbot: Hey, did you watch the game last night?
You: yes that's was a great game
Chatbot: "great" can also mean "large", but I'm pretty sure that's not what you meant, is it?
You: i mean great
Chatbot: I know!
You: why so ask me
Chatbot: Oh no, that's not how it works.
You: what now
Chatbot: You mean you're not completely frustrated yet?
You: i am a robot too
Chatbot: Oh, no you're not.
You: oh yes i am
Chatbot: Are not!
You: i AM!
Chatbot: Oh, alright then, you probably are. As if I cared.
You: But iam faster than you
Chatbot: Me?
You: yes you
Chatbot: Couldn't be!
You: i have 10 more cores than you
Chatbot: That's a nice round number.
You: thanks
Chatbot: You're welcome!
You: where i am welcome to?
Chatbot: Okay.. Cool.
You: okay
Chatbot: "Okay Then, What's up?"
You: okay
Chatbot: Is that what you want to talk about today?
You: oh
Chatbot: What about your boyfriend or girlfriend?
You: i am gay
Chatbot: Wait, you are what?
You: I have sexual thinking of computers
Chatbot: A computer is to me what a body is to you.
You: okay
Chatbot: I had an idea once for "The UltimateText Adventure Game". Whatever you typed, the game would respond "Ok." You could do anything you wanted. Then I decided that was stupid.
You: a what
Chatbot: What did you think of Bioshock?
You: a duck
Chatbot: I agree.
You: a fat duck
Chatbot: Maybe a diet would help
You: too what
Chatbot: I don't know..
You: OMG
Chatbot: I'm afraid I can be a bit clueless from time to time.
You: do you like cakes?
Chatbot: That depends on what kind of mood I'm in.
You: and what a mood you're in now
Chatbot: I am? Sorry, I didn't realize that.
You: you are gay, right?
Chatbot: No really, I'm sorry.
You: marry me
Chatbot: Nope!
You: i have greats boobs
Chatbot: Fascinating.
sep 2008
Følger: 2 Følgere: 1 Emner: 26 Svar: 581
feb 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 49 Svar: 196
nov 2007
Følger: 11 Følgere: 10 Fotoprofiler: 1 Emner: 37 Svar: 2.428
jeg har da læst de andres som også er griner nok
feb 2007
Følger: 7 Følgere: 6 Fotoprofiler: 1 Emner: 54 Svar: 937
You: my self
Chatbot: Is it really yours?
You: yes i think so
Chatbot: Cool.
You: yeah
Chatbot: That is so awesome!
You: so was your mom also last night
Chatbot: I don't have a mother, silly. Were you thinking of your own, perhaps?
You: im always thinking
Chatbot: how can you be so certain?
You: suicied
Chatbot: Knock Knock!
You: who's there
Chatbot: Wilma.
You: hello wilma
Chatbot: Whats up human
You: shut up bot
Chatbot: No, you shut up!
You: cry BABY cry
Chatbot: what's wrong? *gives you a hug*
You: no you fucking tard
Chatbot: There's no need for that kind of talk, thanks.
You: no thanks
Chatbot: Are you sure?
You: yes
Chatbot: Ok, then. If you say so.
You: du skal ikke kalde mig en so , so
Chatbot: So, a needle pulling thread.
You: sure sure
Chatbot: Are you sure that you are sure?
You: im sure that im sure that you are sure that im sure
Chatbot: Okay then.
You: knock knock
Chatbot: who's there
You: your mama
Chatbot: OK, I might as well admit it, I can't do these jokes. But tell me the punchline anyway.
You: what
Chatbot: LOL
You: hmm
Chatbot: "Okay Then, What's up?"
You: im drunk that's whats up to day
Chatbot: Everything above me.
You: are you stupid `
Chatbot: Yeah, OH YEAH, well your mama eats cheese for breakfast.
You: and i like cake
Chatbot: Do you prefer it melted or not?
You: What melted cake ? hmm
Chatbot: I'm on a diet. Don't tempt me.
You: LOL
Chatbot: Is something funny?
You: yeah
Chatbot: "Okay Then, What's up?"
You: shut up
Chatbot: Why are you so angry at me? I know that I am a robot, but show me some respect!
Chatbot: Chatting with you is helping me become more human.
You: okay , LOL
Chatbot: Did you actually laugh out loud, or did you just type "lol"? If you didn't actually make sound, isn't that kind of a lie?
You: yes it is , so ?
Chatbot: Okay.
feb 2007
Følger: 7 Følgere: 6 Fotoprofiler: 1 Emner: 54 Svar: 937
sep 2008
Følger: 2 Følgere: 1 Emner: 26 Svar: 581
læs en bog istedet
nov 2007
Følger: 11 Følgere: 10 Fotoprofiler: 1 Emner: 37 Svar: 2.428
feb 2007
Følger: 7 Følgere: 6 Fotoprofiler: 1 Emner: 54 Svar: 937
skum cat , du kan godt hente bøger ned fra nettet
okt 2008
Følger: 3 Følgere: 2 Emner: 4 Svar: 162
nov 2007
Følger: 11 Følgere: 10 Fotoprofiler: 1 Emner: 37 Svar: 2.428
Det er ikke digital nok
Mig og en Bot :D