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Til dem som vil stoppe med rygning/alternativer {{forumTopicSubject}}
Hej folkens,
Jeg har røget i lang tid på e-smøger derfor vil jeg dele min erfaringer med jer.
Til dem som vil stoppe eller ryger på e-cigaret. kan jeg anbefale www.sundrygning.dk
De har DKs bedste og billigste e-cigaretter.
Håber jeg kunne hjælpe.
dec 2007
Følger: 2 Følgere: 1 Emner: 30 Svar: 796
Dog skal det siges at jeg kun brugte e-cigaretten en uge eller sådan noget.
Stoppede med e-ciggen da jeg fandt ud af at væsken indeholder propylenglycol som også bliver brugt i kølervæske og de-icer væske til flyvemaskiner. Det vil jeg ikke ryge!!
jul 2008
Følger: 1 Følgere: 2 Emner: 1 Svar: 10
dec 2007
Følger: 2 Følgere: 1 Emner: 30 Svar: 796
jul 2008
Følger: 1 Følgere: 2 Emner: 1 Svar: 10
dec 2007
Følger: 2 Følgere: 1 Emner: 30 Svar: 796
okt 2012
Følger: 1 Emner: 3 Svar: 544
45% of propylene glycol produced is used as chemical feedstock for the production of unsaturated polyester resins. In this regard, propylene glycol reacts with a mixture of unsaturated maleic anhydride and isophthalic acid to give a copolymer. This partially unsaturated polymer undergoes further crosslinking to yield thermoset plastics. Related to this application, propylene glycol reacts with propylene oxide to give oligomers and polymers that are used to produce polyurethanes.[4]
Propylene glycol is considered generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and it is used as an humectant (E1520), solvent, and preservative in food and for tobacco products, as well as being the major ingredient in the liquid used in electronic cigarettes. It is also used in pharmaceutical and personal care products.[4] Propylene glycol is a solvent in many pharmaceuticals, including oral, injectable and topical formulations, such as for diazepam and lorazepam that are insoluble in water, use propylene glycol as a solvent in their clinical, injectable forms.[7]
Like ethylene glycol, propylene glycol is able to lower the melting point of water, and so it is used as aircraft de-icing fluid.[4][8] It is similarly used as automotive antifreeze.[9]
Propylene glycol is a minor ingredient in the oil dispersant Corexit, used in great quantities during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.[10][11]
Til dem som vil stoppe med rygning/alternativer